Principles of management consist basics to advanced concepts for planning forecasting business resources.The main parts of principles of management is observation and study of the problem.testing the principles,choice of the problem or opportunity,making hypothesis,Conclusion and forecasting.Principles of management is helpful for managers,business men ,entrepreneurs.
These simple clean handy key notes is also helpful for business,management ,engineering & professional courses students to learn principles of management.
It almost contain all important topics of principles of management chapter wise which are indexed below :
Unit - I. Management
Meaning, Nature, Process, Significance and Principles of Management
Management as a Profession in India
Managerial Roles and managerial Skills
Functional Areas of Management and Development of Management
Unit -II. Planning
Nature And Types of Planning
Planning Process
Principles of Planning & Importance and Limitations of Planning
Management by Objective (MBO) & its Benefits and Weaknesses
Corporate Planning - Process, Components and Techniques
Environmental Analysis - Process, Components and Techniques
Unit - III. Organization
Process and Principles of Organization,
Forms of Organizational Structure
Organizational Charts and manual
Span of Management
Concept & types of Authority
Concept, Process of Delegation of Authority
Unit - IV. Decision Making
Concept, Nature and process of Decision Making
Types of Decisions
Rationality in Decision making and Creativity in Decision making.
Need and significance of coordination
Principles and Techniques of Effective Coordination
Nature and process of Communication
Communication Network
Direction of Communication
Barriers in Communication
Ten Commandments of Good Communication
Unit - V. Control
Concept of Direction and its Techniques
Concept and Process of Control
Types of Controls
Essential of effective Control Systems
Limitations of Control
Techniques of managerial Control
Management By Exception
Management of change
New Challenges for Managers
Prinsip manajemen terdiri dasar-dasar untuk konsep maju untuk perencanaan peramalan bisnis resources.The bagian utama dari prinsip-prinsip manajemen adalah observasi dan studi tentang problem.testing prinsip-prinsip, pilihan masalah atau kesempatan, membuat hipotesis, Kesimpulan dan forecasting.Principles manajemen sangat membantu bagi manajer, orang-orang bisnis, pengusaha.
Ini bersih catatan kunci berguna sederhana juga membantu untuk bisnis, manajemen, teknik & program profesional siswa untuk belajar prinsip-prinsip manajemen.
Hampir mengandung semua topik penting dari prinsip-prinsip bab manajemen bijaksana yang diindeks di bawah ini:
Unit - I. Manajemen
Arti, Alam, Proses, Signifikansi dan Prinsip Manajemen
Manajemen sebagai Profesi di India
Peran manajerial dan Keterampilan manajerial
Area fungsional Manajemen dan Pengembangan Manajemen
Unit -II. perencanaan
Sifat Dan Jenis Perencanaan
Proses perencanaan
Prinsip Perencanaan & Pentingnya dan Keterbatasan Perencanaan
Management by Objective (MBO) & Manfaat dan Kelemahan
Corporate Planning - Proses, Komponen dan Teknik
Analisis lingkungan - Proses, Komponen dan Teknik
Unit - III. Organisasi
Proses dan Prinsip Organisasi,
Bentuk Struktur Organisasi
Charts organisasi dan manual
Span of Management
Konsep & jenis Authority
Konsep, Proses Pendelegasian Wewenang
Unit - IV. pengambilan keputusan
Konsep, Alam dan proses Pengambilan Keputusan
Jenis-jenis Keputusan
Rasionalitas dalam Pengambilan keputusan dan Kreativitas dalam Pengambilan keputusan.
Perlu dan pentingnya koordinasi
Prinsip dan Teknik Koordinasi Efektif
Alam dan proses Komunikasi
Jaringan komunikasi
Arah Komunikasi
Hambatan dalam Komunikasi
Sepuluh Perintah Komunikasi Baik
Unit - V. Kontrol
Konsep Arah dan Teknik nya
Konsep dan Proses Kontrol
Jenis Kontrol
Penting Pengendalian efektif Sistem
Keterbatasan Pengendalian
Teknik Pengendalian manajerial
Manajemen By Exception
Manajemen perubahan
Tantangan baru untuk Manajer